Vietnamese Journal of Primatology


The Vietnamese Journal of Primatology welcomes manuscripts from all areas related to the conservation and research of non-human primate taxa which occur in Vietnam and the neighboring countries of Cambodia, China and Laos. The journal publishes both original research papers and review articles. Original papers may be published as standard research articles or as short communications.

Submit English manuscripts electronically (as unformatted Microsoft Word file attachments) to Tilo Nadler or Christian Roos:

Tilo Nadler
Frankfurt Zoological Society
Endangered Primate Rescue Center

Christian Roos
Primate Genetics
German Primate Center


Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be divided into the major divisions given below, in the order indicated: Title Page
The first page of the manuscript should include the complete title of the paper, the authors' names, an abstract and key words. The complete postal addresses, e-mails and affiliated institutions of the authors must be given at the bottom of the title page.

Each paper must include a summary of no more than 300 words, which clearly summarizes the contents of the paper. The summary will be presented in Vietnamese and English.

Key Words
A list of 6-10 key words in English should be included for indexing purposes.

Research articles and short communications must be organized into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. Acknowledgements may include funding sources such as agency and grant numbers, and the names of those who contributed.

Tables and illustrations
Tables and illustrations should be sent as separate files (either in JPG or TIFF format). Tables require a heading and figures require a legend. All tables and illustrations must be cited in the text. For the reproduction of illustrations, only high quality drawings and photos will be accepted. Color illustrations are welcome. Photographer or artist name must accompany all illustrations. Submit each figure as a separate file.

In the text, references should be cited consecutively with the authors' surnames and year of publication in brackets. Vietnamese and Chinese authors should be given with the full name (e.g.: Dao Van Tien). 'Personal observations' (pers. observ.) or 'personal communications' (pers. comm.) cited in the text should not be listed in the references. The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by first author's surname. Please punctuate and format references exactly as in the following examples:

Papers published in periodicals:

Dao Van Tien (1989): On the trends of the evolutionary radiation on the Tonkin leaf monkey (Presbytis francoisi) (Primates: Cercopithecidae). J. Hum. Evol. 4, 501-507.

Fooden J (1996): Zoogeography of Vietnamese primates. Int. J. Primal. 17, 845-899.

Books and Monographs:

Groves CP (2001): Primate Taxonomy. Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution Press.

Edited books and book chapters:

Groves CP (2004): Taxonomy and biogeography of primates in Vietnam and neighbouring regions. In: T Nadler, U Streicher, Ha Thang Long (eds.): Conservation of Primates in Vietnam; pp 15-22. Hanoi, Frankfurt Zoological Society.


Otto C (2005): Food intake, nutrient intake, and food selection in captive and semi-free Douc langurs. PhD dissertation, University of Cologne, Cologne.