Primate Conservation

Number 33

Individual Articles in PDF:

Aquino et al.

Campbell et al.

Gusmão et al. 

Nolan et al.

Ndzai et al.

Leroux et al.

Epstein & Reed

Shekelle et al.

Thinley et al. 




































Primates of the montane forests of Pasco and Ucayali, Peru

Forest occupancy modeling for Aotus miconax

New species of Plecturocebus from Rondônia, Brazil

White-naped mangabey in western Ghana

Bouvier's red colobus in the southern Republic of Congo

Reintroduction of Hylobates pileatus in Cambodia

Tree-climbing caregivers help orphaned orangutans

The Togean tarsier - a new species

Distribution of the Bengal slow loris in Bhutan 

Robert W. Sussmann (1941-2016): Species-specific diets


























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