Best Practices

Great apes and logging

One of the fiercest dangers to great apes is the destruction of their forest habitat by commercial logging operations. This threat was highlighted in May 2005 at an expert workshop held in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. In response, Drs. David Morgan and Crickette Sanz have developed a new set of best practices guidelines for the Western Equatorial Africa region, to help blunt the worst effects of tropical logging on the surviving great apes in the region.

Targeted at forestry managers and partners working in logging concessions, these guidelines present practical, straightforward recommendations to help reduce the impact of logging on great apes, including cost-benefit analyses and the expected long-term consequences for great apes in the region. If theseReduced Impact Logging (RIL) guidelines are upheld by professionals working in tropical forestry, they will contribute greatly to the survival of great apes in the region, and will serve as a blueprint for developing site-specific management plans.

The RIL guidelines were followed by guidelines developed specifically for use by logging concession managers aspiring to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. This document outlines a framework within which logging companies adhering to FSC certification can be the catalyst needed to ensure the long-term preservation of African apes. Specific guidelines and practical considerations are provided as to how and why forestry and conservation practitioners should collaborate in maintaining wildlife.

PDFs of both publications are available in English and French:


Citation: Morgan, D. & Sanz, C. (2007). Best Practice Guidelines for Reducing the Impact of Commercial Logging on Great Apes in Western Equatorial Africa. IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland.

Reducing the Impact of Commercial Logging  on Great Apes in Western Equatorial Africa

Citation: Morgan, D., Sanz, C., Greer, D., Rayden, T., Maisels, F. & Williamson, E.A. (2013). Great Apes and FSC: Implementing ‘Ape Friendly’ Practices in Central Africa’s Logging Concessions. IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland.

Implementing ‘Ape Friendly’ Practices in Central Africa’s Logging Concessions


Citation: Morgan, D. et Sanz, C. (2007). Lignes directrices pour de meilleures pratiques en matière de réduction de l’impact de l’exploitation forestière commerciale sur les grands singes en Afrique centrale. Groupe de spécialistes des primates de la CSE UICN, Gland, Suisse.

Réduction de l’impact de l’exploitation forestière commerciale sur les grands singes en Afrique centrale

Citation: Morgan, D., Sanz, C., Greer, D., Rayden, T., Maisels, F. et Williamson, E.A. (2013). Les grands singes et le FSC: Mise en oeuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale. Groupe de spécialistes des primates de la CSE UICN, Gland, Suisse.

Mise en œuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale

To request a paper copy of these guidelines in French, please contact Jill Lucena at


The Primate Specialist Group gratefully acknowledges financial support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Arcus Foundation for the preparation and publication of these documents.