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Drawing on the expertise of Primate Specialist Group members to develop a consensus of best practices for field conservationists, the Section on Great Apes has developed a series of guidelines that address critical issues in great ape conservation. The series provides up-to-date guidance for conservation and research projects and the range state government agencies involved in great ape conservation, as well as for the many private companies, development agencies and donors whose activities may impact great apes.
Each best practice publication is focused on a specific issue affecting the immediate survival of great apes, and each provides a comprehensive overview of a designated topic with expert recommendations on how to address it. Our intention with these publications it to provide a comprehensive framework for natural resource managers working in great ape habitat.
Seven titles in the series have been published and are available as PDFs in English, French and Bahasa format on the following pages:
Heath Monitoring and Disease Prevention in Great Ape Populations
Preventing and Mitigating Human-Great Ape Conflict
Surveys and Monitoring of Great Ape Populations
Translocation and Reintroduction of Great Apes
To request paper copies of any of these documents, please contact Jill Lucena at
Please also visit the new SGA website
The Primate Specialist Group gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Arcus Foundation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for supporting the publication of these guidelines.