Clare O. Campbell, Susan M. Cheyne and Benjamin M. Rawson. 2015. Best Practice Guidelines for the Rehabilitation and Translocation of Gibbons. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group. 56pp.

There are large numbers of gibbons held in private hands or surrendered to rescue centers across their range, that represent potential conservation value through the implementation of well planned, scientifically sound translocation programs.

Rehabilitation and translocation programs are becoming an increasingly important component of conservation action plans for threatened species. Translocation can help address gibbon conservation issues by allowing gibbons held in captivity (generally victims of illegal wildlife trade that have at some point been removed from the wild), to be rescued, rehabilitated and then returned to the wild. These translocations may involve releasing gibbons into areas where populations have low long-term viability, thereby reinforcing wild populations and improving the conservation status of the taxon. Additionally, translocation programs can provide an opportunity to reestablish populations that have become locally extinct.

See also